Key Dates

The Quick 10 is open to anyone, anytime. 

Sumissions are now open for the Access and Inclusion Index 2023. Please visit the Australian Network on Disability website for information. 

To ensure your organisation is included in the annual Benchmark, submissions must be made prior to the first Friday in December of each year.

How long will the Comprehensive Self-Assessment take to complete? 

This will depend on a range of factors. For example, it may take longer if lots of people have been allocated to complete it, and whether they know where to find the information they need. How far your organisation is in its access and inclusion journey may also contribute to how long it takes to complete the assessment. We suggest dedicating at least a couple of weeks.


Our Access and Inclusion Index webinar is a simple, effective way to find out more about what the Index is, how it works, and how it will benefit your organisation.

A recording of last year’s webinar is available in the Member Area of the AND website. 

If you have any questions, please contact us.