Evaluation and benchmarking of assessment

Organisations can elect to have AND evaluate and benchmark their Comprehensive Self-Assessment and provide them with feedback.

An evaluation involves an AND Relationship Manager analysing the answers and supporting information provided by the organisation, and providing assessment, advice and comment based on their expert knowledge.

The Relationship Manager will adjust - where applicable - your previously self-assessed score to provide you with an independently reviewed score and report. A second AND employee will also check the evaluation to ensure consistency and accuracy.

There are two options when participating in an independently assessed Evaluation:

1. Comprehensive Roadmap Report - $7,020 + GST or 27 member hours: This report provides your organisation with detailed analysis of the assessment outcomes and comprehensive recommendations to support you in your access and inclusion journey. A recommended consultancy debrief post-release of the report is included with this option.

2. Accelerator Report - $4,940 + GST or 19 member hours: This report will provide your organisation with an executive summary of your performance across your organisation and a set of key recommendations to support you in increasing your maturity level across the organisation. A recommended consultancy debrief post-release of the report is included with this option.

Remember that this is not a test; this process is designed to help organisations to identify the most important next steps in their access and inclusion journey. 


In addition to the independent evaluation report (Comprehensive Roadmap or Accelerator), an annual Benchmark Report will provide an overview of the scores achieved by all participating organisations (please note: data is kept anonymous). By comparing the outcomes of your evaluation with the average scores of the cohort, you can see how your organisation is performing relative to others. This report also shares stories of success, innovations and best practice from within the network.

View the 2020-21 Benchmark Report