Comprehensive Self-Assessment

The Access and Inclusion Index Comprehensive Self-Assessment is an online tool available to all AND member organisations as part of their membership. Members should use this tool to self-assess their access and inclusion for people with disability across the 10 Key Areas of their organisation.

The Access and Inclusion Index Comprehensive Self-Assessment is not a test and not a competition. It is a tool to help organisations to progress their access and inclusion for people with disability through increasing awareness and understanding within their organisation.

The assessment is designed to be shared across business areas to ensure the most appropriate employee responds to each of the Key Areas. It is unlikely that any one person in the organisation will know the answer to all of the questions contained in the Access and Inclusion Index. A significant benefit of the Index is the opportunity it provides to engage different areas of the business to understand the things that need to be done to be accessible and inclusive.

The responses to questions are a maturity model scale which help organisations to see where they are at, and to gain an understanding of what they may need to do to reach the next level.

An organisation’s responses to the Comprehensive Self-Assessment will produce an overall score. This will indicate the disability confidence of the organisation as well as enable organisations to measure their improvement each year.

There is also the function to upload documents and supporting evidence, allowing information to be stored in one easy place.

Use of the Comprehensive Self-Assessment tool is confidential and results will not be shared without the consent of the participating organisation. AND will not use the Comprehensive Self-Assessment results in any other way than data analysis, unless the assessment is submitted for Evaluation and Benchmarking.