
The Access and Inclusion Index is based on the Disability Standard which was designed by the UK Business Disability Forum (BDF) in 2004. AND has had a strong relationship with BDF over many years where shared learning and knowledge have strengthened the valuable resources both organisations provide.

AND ran a pilot of the Disability Standard to test the tool with multiple Australian organisations. Following this, AND worked closely with Development Partners and the Centre for Workplace Leadership to adapt the Disability Standard to Australian conditions.

The Centre for Workplace Leadership at The University of Melbourne undertook the validation of the Access and Inclusion Index. This included user testing with various organisations prior to finalising the assessments.

Development partners

The development and implementation of the Access and Inclusion Index was funded and supported by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (NSW FACS), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the Department of Defence, IBM and Westpac Group. Joint sponsorship between public and private enterprise sends a strong message that access and inclusion is the responsibility of everyone.