Key Areas, Sections and Scoring

  • The Comprehensive Self-Assessment consists of 10 Key Areas, each with three sections and a varying number of questions. The Key Areas and questions are weighted and scored and do not all contribute the same to the overall score.


10 Key Areas

The 10 Key Areas are:

  1. Commitment: We commit to best practice on access and inclusion for people with disability as employees, customers and stakeholders.

  2. Premises: Our premises are accessible to people with disability and whenever necessary we adjust for individuals.
  3. Workplace Adjustments: We anticipate the needs of people with disability and have a robust process for making any adjustments which might be needed by individuals.
  4. Communication and Marketing: Our communication and marketing channels are accessible to people with disability and whenever necessary we make reasonable adjustments for individuals.
  5. Products and Services: We value people with disability as customers, clients and service users and address their needs when developing and delivering our products and services.
  6. Information Communication Technology (ICT): Our ICT is accessible and usable by people with disability, and we also make reasonable adjustments for individuals.
  7. Recruitment and Selection: We attract and recruit people with disability, which gives us access to the widest talent pool at every level.
  8. Career Development: We value all our employees, including those who experience disability, and are committed to their retention and development.
  9. Suppliers and Partners: We expect our suppliers and corporate partners to reflect and enable our commitment to best practice.
  10. Innovation: We pride ourselves on our innovative practices and continually strive to do better.


Questions within each of the Key Areas of the Index are arranged into three sections:

  • Framework: relates to organisational commitment, policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Implementation: relates to actions, programs and initiatives that the organisation has taken to deliver on commitments.
  • Review and Outcomes: relates to monitoring and reviewing progress and using data to improve processes and outcomes for people with disability.

Responses to all questions are assessed at four levels of maturity:

  • Level 1: Not participating – This is the level where an organisation may have not yet considered its position and is still planning its path.
  • Level 2: Basic – The organisation is operating in a way that reflects a compliance-focus or is reactive to issues.
  • Level 3: Programmatic – The organisation has developed tactics, programs, policies or procedures to address some issues, or focuses only on some parts of its business or operations.
  • Level 4: Strategic – Business processes and practices are designed to deliver a consistently accessible and inclusive experience for employees, customers and stakeholders. Access and inclusion activities are across the organisation and are sustainable.

The Access and Inclusion Index weighs the key areas and the questions according to their relative importance and impact on access and inclusion for people with disability and produces a total index score out of 100.

This scoring methodology is applied consistently across all organisations that have submitted for evaluation. The assessment, maturity model, scoring and weighting have been validated by the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne.