Welcome to the Access and Inclusion Index

Download a transcript of the Access and Inclusion Index video (Word, 159KB)

Access and Inclusion is the consideration and incorporation of the needs of people with disability in all areas of an organisation’s operations. This means ensuring that people with disability have equal access to employment, training and development, products and services, premises, communication and information communication technology.

The Access and Inclusion Index is a suite of online tools for Australian organisations to use to understand, assess, benchmark and improve their disability confidence to meet the needs of their customers and employees with disability. Organisations must be a member of Australian Network on Disability (AND) to access the full suite of Access and Inclusion tools and benefits.

These tools will help organisations review their policies, procedures and practices to establish their progress in being accessible and inclusive for people with disability. It will increase understanding of access and inclusion, and provide opportunities to receive guidance on how to be welcoming to people with disability across their business.

The Access and Inclusion Development Partners

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